Having a comfortable home goes beyond the heating and cooling system. Technology today also offers homeowners air cleaners and filtration systems to assist in cleaner air. Did you know replacing or cleaning your air conditioner filter is also one important maintenance task that many homeowners take for granted and disregard doing on a regular basis?

Your A/C unit will benefit from regular maintenance so your air conditioning functions effectively. One simple task is to make sure your filters are being routinely replaced or cleaned. When your filter is clogged or dirty, it blocks normal airflow your system needs to work properly. Keep in mind, when normal airflow is blocked, air that passes the filter may also carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and also impair the coil’s heat-absorbing capacity. If you are noticing that your unit isn’t working properly, and you routinely change your filter, it’s best to call Viviano HVAC so one of our technicians can visit your home and properly assess the situation.

The easiest way to make sure you keep your system working well is to replace that dirty filter with a clean one. Typically, a clean filter can lower your air conditioners energy consumption by 5%-15%. If you have a central air conditioner, filters are usually located somewhere along the return duct’s length. Common filter locations are in the A/C unit itself. Not sure where your filter is located? Give Viviano a call.

Filters can be reusable, but most simply need to be replaced. Filters are available in a variety of types and efficiencies, and the best strategy is to replace your filters every 1-2 months during the heat of summer. If your air conditioner is in constant use, you have pets, or it’s located in a dusty environment, your filter may need more recurrent attention.

Viviano also offers high efficiency air cleaners and other Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) products that take your air quality to even a higher level! These products can exchange stale indoor air for an equal amount of fresher outdoor air. An effective whole-house air cleaner, such as Trane CleanEffects, helps to reduce the presence of potential asthma and allergy attack triggers in your home like dust, pollen, pet hair and dander and dust mites. Learn more about the products we offer here: http://www.vivianoair.com/products/air-cleaners-filters.

Upkeep on your air conditioning unit is so important, especially during the hottest summer months! On-going maintenance, like signing up for our Maintenance Program, is also another way homeowners can avoid many of the potential problems that can arise with any HVAC system throughout the year. Whether your A/C system is lacking air movement or not producing cold air this summer, we can help. Our main goal at Viviano is to keep you and your family cool and comfortable all summer long. Give us a call at 618-345-7498.